Hi, I'm Angela Boswell.

I’m a natural intuitive. My abilities first emerged as a child, growing up on a farm and being able to talk to the plants, animals, and “imaginary” family members and friends. I was so adamant about what I saw, everyone just kind of accepted that I was a little different, and it was easier to go along with me than to convince me otherwise.

After years shutting down my abilities to live in the “real world”, they came back with full force. I started secretly conducting readings behind closed doors at the investment advisory firm where I worked as the Director of Training. In 2011, I opened a metaphysical shop where I sold crystals, candles, oils and other tools - I jumped in head-first and never looked back. I also began providing readings to the general public and conducting classes and psychic fairs. Recently, I closed the shop and now focus on conducting readings and running my Spiritual Lifestyle Community. I still sell my more popular items on this website, under Shop.

Being an Empath my whole life, I decided to write the book The Educated Empath to help other Empaths like me to understand themselves better. I also developed my online Mentoring program to share resources with clients, when questions about spirituality emerge from their sessions with me.

In order to help my clients deepen their spiritual practices, in 2023, I formed The Spiritual Lifestyle Community. I host weekly live video sessions to teach others how to use spiritual tools, receive messages, create awareness around nature’s cycles, set intentions to improve their lives, and relate with each other, all in a safe space.

In reading sessions, you can expect me to deliver messages with integrity, compassion, understanding, and honesty. I will explain why things are happening to you the way they are, offer suggestions on solutions, give the potential outcomes of your different options, and convey messages from your guides and loved ones on the Other Side.

My reading sessions are conducted over the phone. and video. I ask you to please text me photos of anyone you want to know about, including yourself, anytime before the reading. Photos help me to connect with the person’s energy quicker to give you information, and since my job is to give you as much information as fast as possible, photos really help! Payment is due before the reading starts.

I look forward to working with you on your Spiritual journey. To book a session, please visit Readings to see my calendar.

- Angela

Here’s how I see the world:


Contact Me:

Angela Boswell

Text Only: 561-318-9785

Email: angela@angelaboswell.com

My readings can include:

  • Psychic information

  • Mediumship (talking with someone who has passed away)

  • Pet readings

  • Dream interpretation

  • Dating readings (I can let you know who is in alignment with you, especially online dating)

  • Past Life information and relationships

  • Life purpose readings

  • Specific details important to you.

How I do readings: